Unlike apple app store iaps podcast
Administrer dine App Store-køb, -abonnementer, -indstillinger og
Administrer dine App Store-køb, -abonnementer, -indstillinger og -begrænsninger på iPhone – Apple-support (DK)
I App Store på iPhone kan du gennemse og hente dine eller andre familiemedlemmers køb, administrere abonnementer, ændre indstillinger i Indstillinger, …
I App Store på iPhone kan du gennemse og hente dine eller andre familiemedlemmers køb, administrere abonnementer, ændre indstillinger i Indstillinger, begrænse køb i apps og blokere upassende indhold.
Hvis du ikke kan oprette forbindelse til App Store, iTunes Store …
Hvis du ikke kan oprette forbindelse til App Store, iTunes Store eller andre Apple-tjenester – Apple-support (DK)
31. okt. 2022 — Hvis det kun er den første enhed, der ikke kan oprette forbindelse til internettet, kan du få hjælp til Wi-Fi på iPhone eller iPad, Apple Watch, …
Læs mere om, hvad du skal gøre, hvis du får vist meddelelsen “Kan ikke oprette forbindelse”, hvis en app ikke indlæser noget, eller hvis download af indhold afbrydes.
Apple Podcasts on the App Store
Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about Apple Podcasts. Download Apple Podcasts and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, …
Spotify – Music and Podcasts on the App Store
With the Spotify music and podcast app, you can play millions of songs, albums and original podcasts for free. Stream music and podcasts, discover albums, …
Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots and learn more about Spotify – Music and Podcasts. Download Spotify – Music and Podcasts and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.
Anmodning om refundering for apps eller indhold, der er købt …
Anmodning om refundering for apps eller indhold, der er købt hos Apple – Apple-support (DK)
6. dec. 2022 — Visse køb fra App Store, iTunes Store, Apple Books eller andre Apple-tjenester kan være kvalificerede til refundering. Du kan bruge en …
Visse køb fra App Store, iTunes Store, Apple Books eller andre Apple-tjenester kan være kvalificerede til refundering. Du kan bruge en hvilken som helst enhed med en webbrowser til at anmode om refundering.
Podcast App on the App Store
Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about Podcast App. Download Podcast App and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, …
Unlike Apple’s App Store IAPs and subscriptions, Podcast …
Techmeme: Unlike Apple’s App Store IAPs and subscriptions, Podcast Subscriptions competes with other podcast players and ways to consume premium feeds in the Podcasts app (Ben Thompson/Stratechery)
21. apr. 2021 — Recording of the Senate Judiciary subcommittee hearing to examine competition in app stores, with testimony from Apple, Google, Spotify, Tile, …
The essential tech news of the moment. Technology’s news site of record. Not for dummies.
The 52 best Apple Watch apps (that we’re actually using) – Stuff
You can customise exercise/break durations, but otherwise you’re at the whims of HAL 9000 reimagined as a fitness instructor. Unlike CARROT’s iPhone incarnation …
App store rank explained: what is an app’s Apple & Google …
App store rank explained: what is an app’s Apple & Google store ranking and what impacts it?
1. feb. 2022 — Apple App Store vs. Google Play Store: ranking algorithms. People often wonder if Apple and Google have different app store ranking algorithms.
Apptopia helps you understand what app store rank is and what factors go into determining an app’s rank on a given day.
Timeline – Time to Play Fair
Because we turn off IAP, it means you can no longer upgrade to Premium through the App Store *sigh*. Apple starts an intensified pattern of Spotify app …
Keywords: unlike apple app store iaps podcast